Richard Stilwell

Richard Stilwell Poems

Embraced in the rythm of an eye closing hug,
Standing on the front porch and the welcome rug,
Is where I left you after a mine blowing night,
Of discovery of laughter of doing what is right,

Strength beckons,
Strength bonds,
Strength comforts,
Strength weakens,

......clean and fresh right out of the shower,
..... wearing a nice fragrance when we dance,
..... who is hot between her legs as I am about to taste her,
..... and her natural scent as she sleeps beside me.....

When fantasy does not fit face,
Nor size,
Nor smile,
Not even race,

Jane had no tattoos,
No piercings,
And was colored like the leaves around her,
So she blended in,

I once walked until I got walked on,
I once smiled until I forgot how,
I once dreamed when I used to sleep,
I once was awake and now I am asleep.

Emotion pooled on her skin in several places like tiny lakes with each being unique unto itself,
All were reflecting the same color of camouflaged deception and disguise.
Perhaps unconsciously masking desire for help,
But consciously evoking attention and perception of cool,

Finger deep inside of mind,
Toying with emotion,
Coaxing a response,
By pushing buttons,

Black fist,
Surrounded by,
White rebellion,
Pumping hard,

Come here,
No here,
Over here,
Look at me,

Her lips were pink and her hair was short and dark,
Her lips were red and her hair was long and blonde,
The night we met.

Walking in green,
Under the lights of red,
I left the yellow at the door,
And went into the black,

Distance near,
Distance far,
We are,
Desiring change,

I hurt, is covered with a smile,
I cry, is covered with a laugh,
I need, is covered with toughness,
I am lonely, is covered with pickiness,

Even when under fire,
Even when ignored,
Even when misunderstood,
Even when losing,




Kisses soon,
Kisses slow,
Kisses around,
What does not show,

Eyes watched the muffin as it left the oven,
Hands felt the heat holding it to be iced,
Lips licked in anticipation of the taste,
And the senses excited at first bite__

Words flowing through my hair,
My fingers,
My toes,

When we dance,
The smile gets wider,
The heart pounds louder,
The hands get hotter,

Richard Stilwell Biography

Ever since I was sixteen I have been writting poetry if you can call it that... smiling. I invite you to read it and to ponder my words carefully as each word can have double or triple meaning as well as the poem itself. I hope all those metaphors does not make it hard to read and I will give you the place I write about in '21 And I Still Lost' to get you to thinking like me. It is about losing ones virginity in a brothel and getting over being new at sex but finding out that you can catch things form doing it and that it cost a lot to boot... and no I never had that experience.)

The Best Poem Of Richard Stilwell

Good Guy Lost

Embraced in the rythm of an eye closing hug,
Standing on the front porch and the welcome rug,
Is where I left you after a mine blowing night,
Of discovery of laughter of doing what is right,
But in my heart I fought with my mind,
Of wanting to kiss you and take you for mine,
Into my bedroom for pleasures beyond fun,
Where we would blend into each other and collapse as one,
Now the dream is over and I have lost,
The chance to see you again was not worth the cost,
Of the lack of action for being a gentleman__


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