Riley Choma Poems

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Fostered Pain

Broken, beaten, neglected
A lost soul left shattered
Drugs, violence and liquor
She tries to make sense of it

In Love

A light in the darkness when all seems lost...
Passion, lust, and bliss.
A fate often one-sided and temporary, yet strong and lasting...
A creation blind to hate but not absent from it's realm.

In Hate

Destruction of creation...
A disease of the heart, mind, and soul.
A consistent certainty, yet blinding reality...
A mask often disguising of true love, and a presence often hidden behind false love.


is like the wind,
having direction without diction.
An element not seen but felt;


Words like a burn; they sting
Words, which, wreck; watch worlds, wane
Words gnawing at imperfection
Words, weeping and waving a white flag; conspire desire


Uncontrollable faith and consuming lust is all I feel, you’re all that’s really real
God only knows if you will ever feel the same, but still I won’t denounce the truth
Love, it’s all I feel when I am with you
This constant wait chews me up and spits me out, but it intoxicates me in every form

Birds Who Refuse To Fly

We peck at each other like chickens;
we know we can fly but still choose not to try...
We laugh at the butterflies trying to swim,
while we are still on the ground never having even lifted a wing...

Who I Am

I am a collaboration; I am what they see, want to see, and me.
Yes it’s true, these people hate a me that they have yet to even meet.
They hate parts that I have yet to even show, and hold up praise for the facade I show...
I am a disconnected link.

In A World

We walk on glass as though she might break, and we walk on glass while throwing rocks
In a world that can see no difference we are taught to fear
Be silent; your opinions are loud and unwanted
Be loud; this silence is a cloud of weakness


Identity; a collaboration of everything that makes you who you are.
They think they know you but they don't!
Admitting they don't kills them like a knife, so they didn't, and they won't!
Deep down they know some things just aren't worth knowing, so they pretend.

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