I am an individual that looks in the mirror and sees a body but not myself.
In a world that forces us into defining bubbles I ready a handful of pins.
Last picked.
Last sought.
Last seen.
First fought.
Breath and release like the wind, not with destruction, but rather creation.
Exhale your words and throw yourself out, and not out like gone, but like forward.
It wasn't suppose to be like this.
I wasn't born for wet lashes and salt upon my lips; quivering.
I wasn't born for public silence and internal screaming.
It wasn't suppose to be like this…
My days fill me with memories I grow to regret, and just that thought makes the sky bend
Like ink from a broken pen unannounced staining what was once clean
My life is plagued by a darkness that can't be risen
Words I can't say fill my lungs with water and I choke
It's summer vacation and it's thirty degrees.
A sixteen year old girl feels rejected like oil in water and despite how she tries she knows she'll always be separate from those who are wanted.
Silence; an absence of sound but louder than any.
Like drowning you feel suffocation with-in imperfection.