Riley Hines

Riley Hines Poems

I first silently stalk my prey
This is my design
I think about walking away
This is my design

Come! Come to the show!
There are many freaks inside the show!
You'll hear the shrieks inside the show!
We'll never leave from the show!

The Best Poem Of Riley Hines

My Design

I first silently stalk my prey
This is my design
I think about walking away
This is my design
I think over my plans
This is my design
Wipe the sweaty palms onto my pants
This is my design
I acted on what I needed to do
This is my design
Ripped the back into two
This is my design
Now as angels watch over my place to sleep
This is my design
I sit quietly as I begin to weep
This is my design

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