Riley Werner

Riley Werner Poems

A lily’s seed that waits to grow
is buried shallow in the earth.
It stays untouched by farmers hoe
inside the seed cooks natures mirth.

our hearts

while separated by distance

The Best Poem Of Riley Werner

A Lily Is Humble

A lily’s seed that waits to grow
is buried shallow in the earth.
It stays untouched by farmers hoe
inside the seed cooks natures mirth.
The seed fights hard both cold and death
while winter takes its frosted bite.
As mother waits with baited breath
for spring to come with weather bright

Ice king’s cold grip begins to fade
and winter’s white coat starts to tear
The snow creeps quickly back to shade
and leaves the seed’s spot warm and bare.
The triumphant cry of birdsong
tells of winter’s defeat by spring.
The lily’s seed has waited long
for what the rain and warmth will bring.

Surviving spring and winter’s strife
was just the first of steps to come.
A slender sprout of work and life
small and delicate, deaf and dumb.
Mother nature’s newborn seedling
oblivious to worldly grief.
In wonder what the wind will bring,
its beauty great and life so brief.

Content in summer’s loving breeze
so humble with a bloom of one.
Standing out from bramble with ease
the lily’s beauty, matched by none.

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