Ritu Kumria

Ritu Kumria Poems

Of all that can be said, what is it you do not already know?
Of all that could be given, what was it you did not already have?

 ' You are an oasis' you said
We are but mirages my love,
You are one
and so am I.

The Best Poem Of Ritu Kumria

To Husbands And Lovers

Of all that can be said, what is it you do not already know?
Of all that could be given, what was it you did not already have?
Of all that was worth seeking for, what was it you sought above all?
We falter, we fall, we fail; we grow. Thank you sir! for making it so.
Of all that remains to be told, what is it, you deserve to know? !
A home coming at last; coming home to the self. knowing once again what one always knew.....

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