Ritvika Mishra

Ritvika Mishra Poems

This is not that time
That's not fine,
That's destructive and dangerous
Everyone is furious.

I have read about that world
-As beautiful as a heaven.
I have read about that world
-As marvellous as a shining ray of sun.

The Best Poem Of Ritvika Mishra

Lack Of Peace

This is not that time
That's not fine,
That's destructive and dangerous
Everyone is furious.

The sky became black,
There's a peace lack.
Environment is of destruction,
This is a juncture.
Abhorrence is in mind,
No on is liberal and kind.

Gold is becoming hayrick
Jewels changing into stones,
By this combat is shown.

We need only peace
Anything we do, but please.

The world is in danger,
There is no angel for the peace.

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