Riya Mathew

Riya Mathew Poems

Sometimes I am lonely
I feel very sad.
But when I'm literally alone
I can't help but be glad.

I'm the daughter of a careless man
Who was reckless and careless in his lifespan.
Mother told me I'm just like him
That I'm equally idiotic and dim.

The Best Poem Of Riya Mathew

Not Like A Nightmare

Sometimes I am lonely
I feel very sad.
But when I'm literally alone
I can't help but be glad.

They make me feel low.
I don't like being with them.
And when they approach me
All I do is haw and hem.

They say the past is past
Forgive and forget.
But I don't think
I've reached that level yet.

They are just dictators
All they like to do is rule over me.
How I wish there was someone
Anyone who'd truly love me.

How I wish of a fresh start
A new journey.
To a world where no one knows me
So that I could start again, fresh and free.

As happy as it seems, I know
I'm not gonna get it.
But still, thinking about it
My face gets lit.

And besides, I can't leave anything
The few friends I've got.
Because I know, deep in my heart
I'll be missing them a lot.

That just means I've to face them
Their awful, manipulative words.
And everytime I have to say
"God! That awfully hurts."

Just think of it as an adventure
Not like a nightmare.
You've got to complete your journey
And not get lost here and there...

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