Rizwan Malik BABA

Rizwan Malik BABA Poems

I was all social to days and I worked for nights,
Since a long I lived the life where I was never mine.
I lived for others, I learned for others,
I prayed for others and yet nothing was mine

Rizwan Malik BABA Biography

Born in 1987 in small village BARI of UDHAM SINGH NAGAR district, UTTRAKHAND(INDIA) . Did my early education from Nainital... and then went to Lucknow and Delhi for higher Education.. Started social work in 2002 in AMBER SAMAJSEWI SANSTHAN.. become the Member of this NGO in 2005, Secretory in 2009 and Chief Functionary in 2010 n still working for the social, Economical, Educational and mental development of rural India. I had intrest in writing poems since ma childhood but I used to writ on piece of paper n den forget it.. I gave up writting in 2008 n since then i had not written anything, but again Ma Very Close Friend, MA soul Manisha Raghuvanshi inspired me to write, infact she became the reason to write.... SO here I start....)

The Best Poem Of Rizwan Malik BABA

Last Fifteen Days

I was all social to days and I worked for nights,
Since a long I lived the life where I was never mine.
I lived for others, I learned for others,
I prayed for others and yet nothing was mine

Fifteen days back in a late night at three,
I got a call, it was ma friend and he needed me.
I drived a short and reached his place,
With the entry came the changing phase

I saw four boys and two girls sitting in a room together,
Discussing something serious to one another.
One of the girl was in love with ma friend's friend,
OMG! she said 'either she'll marry him or else put her life to end'

After thinking for a while it was decided to get them married,
But things were not so easy as all were looking very worried.
Yet there was someone looking so happy and so excited,
Remember the second girl, It was her idea that made me invited

Ahh she was a cute girl and imagine I had never met her before,
Now as we started talking she made a space in ma heart core.
The more she talked the more I was feeling the world turning blue,
Am I falling in love or its just the floats of attraction I really had no clue

Marriage was done and it took four day to make things right,
Me and she did a lot and finally agreed the parents of bride.
These four days we spent together and talking for hours,
Disussing so many social issues and many cultural bars

Things were going good and she was becoming smile on ma face,
And then came a day when all have to be back to their place,
That day i was not at all happy and was feeling very low,
I wanted to be with her and not let her her go

Sitting on a bike said 'bye' and she went back leving me all alone,
I stood there watch her going and saw her untilll she was gone.
Now me searching reasons to call her or text on her phone,
Missing her so much than I felt that plant of love has grown

Ohh god two days have past and I am dying so much to see her,
Was there no other way except that happened with her brother.
Again a early mornig call by that boy who was now a husband,
Ahh what? My friend who is her brother met with a road accident

Again I was with her for days and nights praying for him to b fine,
But me asking god how to tell her ma feelings show me some sign.
And I really dont know how I exppressed her my hearts feeling,
She was very happy with me and also her brother was healing...

Finally we made promises for future with faith and words of trust,
I am so happy with her ohh god help me, my heart may not burst.
Burst with happiness of her presence and feel of her love,
thankyou god for gifting me this precious cute dove....

I m with the one whose love, care, anger and pain i can feel,
I am in LOVE and now I have someone who is mine,
One who can feel me, feel my pain, my love and my wishes,
and this is how from last fifteen days I saw me being mine....


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