Robert Charles Dallas

Robert Charles Dallas Poems

As the sun-show'rs of April, so flagrantly flowing,
Refresh the green meads on a bright vernal day;

The Best Poem Of Robert Charles Dallas

Lines To A Young Lady

As the sun-show'rs of April, so flagrantly flowing,
Refresh the green meads on a bright vernal day;
As the soft plaintive zephyrs, so tunefully blowing,
Exhale their sweet perfume on flow'rets of May;

So the Ringlet of Beauty, which once I saw floating,
With heart-stealing grace on the neck of the fair,
Is the balm of the heart which now views it with
For Cupid had kiss'd it, I safely may swear.

How I envy the lock which thus wantonly flying,
Hath curled with delight on the bosom of bliss,
And has lain on the lip for which lovers are sighing!
O, say, where on earth is a pleasure like this ?

Lovely Ringlet! O ever while Time la fastfleeting,
Thy sight the blest feelings of joy shall impart!
And while life's daily pulse to love's music is beating;
Her image shall rise in each throb of my

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