Robert Rorabeck Poems

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Wondering Where All Of Her Boys Have Gone

There are cowbells in the high basins,
In the guts of grizzly bears, in the wombs of
Sometimes stormy and sometimes yellow

The White Mountains

Roads into narcolepsy:
Returning into that land after all of the fireworks
Are sold,
And their holidays forgotten in their fashion:

School Again Tomorrow

So many prospects of cold emblems
Yawning against the fires beneath the overpass-
What do they dream about
While the trucks sell tacos to little girls metamorphosed

Exactly Where She Is

Apples of poison above her
Auburn head: barrettes in her hair, and airplanes
Flying low:
Her lips stung now by jacketed wasps

The Evaporating Sea

Another day finding out the tricks of angels:
My muse’s daughter is almost three:
Maybe she is almost my daughter too- as the trucks
Are loaded and loaded underneath the

Into Stranger And Other Streams

Trailer parks of my ancestry where nothing ever
But nothing ever gets done on time,
Because everyone is enjoying the Ferris Wheels

As The Lighthouse Closed Its Eyes

Now you have here a blue Cadillac without any
Angels in the carport like a
And your mother is here, barefooted and still very

Like Melting Snow

There was the Alamo somewhere underneath
The sun
And forgotten boys underneath the sun
And horses they would ride

The Dry And Rusting Pines

Now they have them cadillacs filled with
The various pornographies underneath of where
The airplanes live,
.Just as my muse has her families in the buried

Of The World

In the clefts of purple monuments that don’t
Belong here anymore,
While she is arraigned in her homely tenements
And the mountains

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