Robert Rorabeck Poems

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Her Glens

Across the grass the pigeons spill
Up and down and down
Some still—
Along her legs,

Moonbeams Over Her Sleeping Children

There were moonbeams over her sleeping children
Yes it does,
While they slept and the less angelical angels
Played baseball,

In The Angels' Filigree

Up in the angels' filigree—she thought of me,
She thought of he-
And the world flipped over and pretended to
Be dead,

In The Embers Of Jackrabbits

As it was in the embers of jackrabbits, I took off,
Became the epitome of racehorses that didn't
Have to follow
Except for the in the shadows of their own

Like Wishes That Disapear

Warm song in the throat of a frog
Daydream of metamorphosis—why then—
Why then why
What will you turn into next to the carport in

The Unforsaken Grounds

Put in me this cold cloud—
Like a glass of alcohol passed from housewife
To housewife—
Until it finally finds the one she loves while

Moment's Breath

My wife doesnt
Know how to
Write a poem-
But we lie

The Christmases Of Your Innocence's

You've been dicking around with those horses
Of those daydreams that used to be stars—
And I wish that I felt alright in my amusement park
Of my new wife—

Nerves At The Bottom

Nerves at the bottom while the blind men felt their
Castles—and the feral cats pretended to know
So many poets—and the world was struck out
Like baseball into its séances—

Diatribe Of Crossbows

Diatribe of crossbows as the lights go out
And the young girls have to bow and bow—and then
Have to fend for themselves as there is no one left
In the living room—

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