Robert Rorabeck Poems

Hit Title Date Added
If I Will Ever See Her Again

Candle light doused in the sea underneath the
Pretty fort: what have you been doing, but holding
Your breath and not making any wishes,
And now your time is out, and nothing can be given to

Like A Promise Burning

Amber perfumes of a forest with bees,
Up in the joints where the butterflies go to
Die going blind in the moping
Draperies of angels, and languishing there

The Ash Of The Sugar Cane

Moon and Indians above the pylons
Of a coral castle at right angles and all the purple
Angels disappearing into the obscure darkness with
Their badges

That I Already Knew

Uneven developments except for the pigments of her
Brown body:
She will go home to him now, and enjoy him as she
Enjoys her family, in the hemisphere that is their

For Other Joys

Greenness of walls, of fields and rivers, of the envy of
Foxes: all day long waiting for the wash down the
Long throats of mountains into parlors
Or arcades

Whose Afterbirths Are Rainbows

Another anthem without the girls:
Here is the down trodden making love to the
Blistered leaves,
In a cathedral of ant lions that the sky presumes

The Paper Airplane's Incredible Metamorphosis

Hobbies of bobby pins and new Christmases:
I spend all of my day off ejaculating in my yard, or doing
The laundry- these are so much the housewives chores,
But they have all gone up to their cathedrals;

Into Another Neighborhood

Bellies of dungeons
Running as shallow as my tears-
She will awaken dreaming of
Another man

The River Where You Were Sent

Bullies on the sidelines of my love
Looking at the underbelly or penumbra
Of the arc hidden in the Swedish alps
Like voyeurisms of milkmaids

In The Sky

In backyards things grow
Un worrisome of the
School kids in the school
Yards, bathing in ripe

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