Robert Rorabeck Poems

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Of Guerrero Mexico

The foyer of my house has a virgin too:
She is right there, and to her I give my blessings to you,
And I light my candles like a witch in a cartoon,

Issues Of My Absolute Affections

If you come to me tomorrow- Alma,
And we make love hidden by the ixora, in a house
That is as old as my grandfather,
But which can still get up and dance, then I will be as happy

Today In A Rain Shower

Sitting on my laurels and drinking the last of my
Guatemalan rum,
I am yet always hiking further and further up for you, Alma:
I have almost masturbated atop the pearly summit of

Several More Times Than Once

The poems tread softly through the snow,
Following and kissing after the soft necks of their brothers:
It is all that they know to do,
Because they know that they are not entirely any species of

Some Soon Afternoon

The bodies burn time and time again:
All of the ancestors getting up and congratulating themselves
Until they become the unresolved constellations in the sky
Burning over the swimming pools

Home Across The Carports

Alma, I am listening to you right now,
While I am wishing that I had a bicycle to ride toward your
Clever boudoirs;
And while I think of you I also praise all of your immaculate

The Brightness Of Everything

This might as well be the nursery rhymes of your children:
We have already made love, and I am a good man-
I am already below my station, while you are kissing the

The Beautiful Cars And The Absolutely Glorious Boats

The night is sailing so close and so far away,
Like religious candles flickering, like the caesuras of waves,
And I am almost done,
While the youngest of lovers park their cars and kiss and swap

If She Wasn'T Already So Far Away

Twilight drinks itself to sleep and I am
Here doing the same and yawning trying to picture the
Dusky clouds over the
Retiring golf courses and the teenage cemeteries,

How Many Legs I'Ll Have To Lose

You’ve combed your hair again and I am drinking wine
I bought tonight after I left you at that party in wounded
And high weeded guts of
West Palm Beach: the grapes are from the grandes bodegas

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