Robert Rorabeck Poems

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Just One More

They just go on and one,
Don’t they- and they can start up in
Like pulling the choke string on a kite

Red In The Handlebars Of The Sun

Red in the handlebars of the sun,
Something always gold-
And I can hardly hold on:
I don’t like to look where she is milking,

Kissing Your Dirty Mouth

I give more words, like an overdose:
We use shovels to raise the dead, cheap
Eucharist. Mother is looking at me again,
With those eyes like robin’s eggs,

The Magician's Palm

Caffeine has me up, while they make love
In another sea, spilling vocabulary words
I haven’t memorized: the piano plays behind
The unmowed grass, like minutes of sunlight

The Fairy-Tale Of A Mermaid's Kiss

The final common man crossed me with his sword,
Said there will be a night beside the sea when the lord
Will rise,
Arms outstretching, a denouement epiphany,

Swimming My Tomorrows

The ocean is so close to me,
As if this overpass were a cradle:
The earliest stars are like her eyes to me,
And her lips an offering ladle;

For The Life Of Me

I shouldn’t have made love to you,
For I shrunk,
In hiccupping seasons where the world turns
Away; and I was cuckolded for good

Pagan Holiday

I wait for customers in this bay,
Or I read Anne Sexton and hope for quaint
Stigmata, like overly dramatic Catholic plays:
Or the overly education girls from the peripheries

Horses And Unicorns

Here are the seating arrangements lactating
In mausoleums
With ceilings full of blown glass in the shape of

Christmas Trees Or Video Games

Consumed upon the terraces of the
Ferris Wheels
That are turning from the evaporations under
Their streets:

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