Robert Rorabeck Poems

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Falling In Love With Foxes

Cool as the road is going, goes I,
Underneath the open unabashed day gone sky:
Full of new reposes and places off to the side
To rest and lay easy, and with arms wide open glide:


All of the glade spoken to of houses:
Expensive, expensive, expensive spouses: all of this space
Of animals sure, so sure that they were marsupials:
And up river, and up stream a river full of a specific dream

Like The Echoes Of A Baboon

Oh, opulent pains in opulent grottos:
Oh, opulent pains, living with forest rangers, or living without
Seeing Kit Carson Peak, but not suckling from that bastion, nor

Of Never, Never Land

Diana, Diana: you are real while I am wrecked,
And upon all of this sorbet I have collected by senses for
Another try:
Another roll of the dice into the epiphany of rainbows:

Presupposing That Spring Had Come Again

If I kissed her it was under the halo of a lunch truck.
Or I didn’t kiss her:
And all of these backyards are so sure of themselves without
The need for the playfulness of otters;

Mariposa In The Bosque

Ah the pain of epiphany, the realize that realization has run its
To punch the saltlick of professors in their eye, and realize that
Realization itself wasn’t just enough:

To The English Professor

Out of the old habits of the moon,
I place myself with my dogs and start anew:
And we look over the rafters of each of our churches,
And down the sweet blouses of the Catholic girls inside

Don'T You Remember

The trucks pull the sea over you like some sort of
Blanket, because I wonder why anytime you see me you start
Am I that most beautiful form of cadaver; when I just want to

In Forests Of So Many Far Aways

Bodies pill and recluse for videogames:
My father pees close to sundown, and we don’t go to church:
And the new government is taking charge,
While all of the earth worns cheerleaders are awakening mostly

So Many Melanies

Pains of the passionate void of so many Melanies:
The passages of so many mute voices, homonyms for dragons
And forget-me-nots; or anythings gathered together and shivering
In cul-de-sacs or sweating out for so many birthdays;

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