Robert Rorabeck Poems

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El Agere

El agere becomes willful at dusk,
Chapping the buttocks of the canyon,
Spinning pools of light like children until they
Tip over the cliffs, and string into the glossy waters-

To The Waves

I farted along in Saturday school,
Until I was expelled, and rejected from the clicks of
High school drama. Still, I came faithfully
Everyday just to sneak back across the canal,

Ode To Stephen Crane And His Ilk

Get on your high horse
And beat a dead dog-

I’ve always known who I am,

Infatuated Atoms

Leap over to me and ask me my name,
And I will point into the sunlit sky like a barbershop
And humph:
Because that is all you should know about me,

Let Me Show You

Do you make love in familiar rooms,
On the backs of tug boats, cusped in smoky flume?

Your beauty is so easy to love, you are like a ride.

School Of Tadpoles

Some instruments are made for you, laid beneath shallow
Waters where the freshman go jogging, where soft-shelled
Turtles niggle- Where cheap jewelry is lost in the cargo
Of alligators, our millennium mascots-


A little bit of good is in the wings of an airplane,
For it can take us the farthest away, in amphibian
Leaps, in the sexy legs’ choreography-
Misguided lovers may wake up on Sundays, rub their

Bedtime Story

Here is a canvas I must destroy, for soon the lightning
Will be on the peak, and we will need to scramble down
Into our graveyard before we are struck by a juvenile deity
Who is angry we have been playing outside our gray rooms;

No Valentine

I procrastinate on my poetry:
I have nothing lovely to add:
You turn me on, you turn me on, you
Know, but it doesn’t get me anything,

Song Of Cypress And Spikenard

You wronged me in a song
Of cypress and spikenard,

In the somnambulating fog of humming students

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