Rohan Rajput

Rohan Rajput Poems

Poem 1.Endearment of Being Human

Love! Resting in every dust;
Not in touch, nor in Lust

The Best Poem Of Rohan Rajput

Endearment Of Being Human

Poem 1.Endearment of Being Human

Love! Resting in every dust;
Not in touch, nor in Lust
Just a feel of Sight
Divulging off the Strangers Light

Passing by, we merely see
The wholeness rarely be.
Not be like a Folly,
Whose bounds know no jolly.

Be a Wholesome man,
Not a part be Left.
In or Out,
Walk without a Doubt
You'll perceive it
How love is spread
And turns prolong,
A way back.

Owing that fact,
Being yourself has its own taste
Like just a Magnet,
Vary magnitude it has.
Know, no being can escape
The melodiousness of your Fondness.

They will cease to be the tang of your taste.

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