Romesh Chunder Dutt Poems

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The conditions of the banishment of the sons of Pandu were hard. They
must pass twelve years in exile, and then they must remain a year in

The term of banishment having expired, Yudhishthir demanded that
the kingdom of Indra-prastha should be restored to him. The old

A curious incident followed the bridal of Draupadi. The five sons of
Pandu returned with her to the potter's house, where they were

The death of Duryodhan concludes the war, and it is followed by
the lament of women and the funerals of the deceased warriors.

Hymn Of The Dying Man

Sole Rishi! Pushan! glorious Yama!
God of day! withdraw thy rays,
And let me once more view thy splendour, -

The mutual jealousies of the princes increased from day to day, and
when Yudhishthir, the eldest of all the princes and the eldest son of

The scene of the Epic is the ancient kingdom of the Kurus which
flourished along the upper course of the Ganges; and the historical

Ten Precepts From Dhammapada

Hate for hatred if ye render,
Hatred lives and mortal strife;
Love return for bitter hatred,
Hatred dies, and sweet is life!

Arjuna's Penance

And tuneful ducks before bini fly,

And with tlieir ^'oices fill the brake,
In burnished gold swim on the waves, —

A golden mantle on the lake!

The Himalayas

The towering Himalaya rose,

Surpassing- mighty Meru high.
To view the limits of wide space,

Perchance to scale the lofty sky!

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