Ronnie Enoch

Ronnie Enoch Poems

He was the butterfly
That stung like a bee
He was not one you could pacify
His name was Muhammad Ali

The Best Poem Of Ronnie Enoch

Muhammed Ali

He was the butterfly
That stung like a bee
He was not one you could pacify
His name was Muhammad Ali

He was filled with a spirit of integrity
That he'd sacrifice his livelihood
Stood up to the powers that be
Educating those for the common good

He was a beautiful sight to see
The ring was his form of expression
The place where he was totally free
Paid millions for his aggression

Confidence exuded from his soul
Being the greatest is what we all believed
He was one who always seem in control
Because greatness is what he achieved

Traveling the world inspiring others
Brought hope as well in many places
Touching the heart of our sisters and brothers
You could see a light in their faces

Now as we honor the man in this hour
His flamboyance and confidence was key
No other will grace us with such power
There will never be another Muhammad Ali

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Don't give your today the key to a past that locks the door to your future

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