RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Apprehensive Consideration

Jumping to rhythms, swinging into the atmosphere, completing
pictures of nature as it blossoms and blooms into visions of
expletive assertions.

Emotional Tidal Waves

Literal Remorse

Blinds of indecision open and close as we collect
our thoughts literally from puddles of remorse.
Thinking, blending with feelings on voyages of
grief-stricken highways, forfeiting our rights

Grandma's Presence

Intensely feeling the presence of Grandma, sitting
beside me, enjoying a little performer, music doctor,
singing an Italian song.
Italian dialect, over the skyways, meshing with our

Hiding Secrets

Silent whispers floating
about the atmosphere,
keeping secrets safely
hidden away from everyone's

Pool Players

Aged wisdom sitting around a table of sorts,
discussing issues, life, joking around,
teasing one another - all in good humor.
Taking turns, getting up, shooting balls in

Dancing Into Eternity

Hope Rising

Steep mountains, deep canyons, culminating in my mind as I try to figure out where to go from here.
Is there an up side to all this? If so, where do I begin?
Feelings are mixed, jumbled, confused, trying to unravel themselves, looking for the shortest possible route to do this.
Tangled thoughts wrap themselves around my mind and heart, strangling me from the inside out.

What Is Life Today

Reluctantly thinking, not being able to sort anything
out clearly enough to erase any doubts.

Bound tightly in knots, wanting to get loose and run

Silent Voices

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