RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Area Of Turmoil

Repertoires of past memories are opening and stepping into
the light, happy to be seen and remembered once again.

Enlivening spirits, tossing life into the fray of living

Multi - Tasking

Standing in the background, watching intently and listening
attentively to what is being said.

Yet, all you will see is me listening to music and writing,

Pastimes Of Another Area

Playing safely in dangerous places within my mind,
living precariously, feeling the edge of life and
being comfortable with it.

Rebellion Of Human Ingenuity

Sun scraping it's beams across the windows here at the
center, trying to penetrate screens that have been put
up to block it's rays.

Processing Loss

Loss affects everyone at one time or another, under different

We all grieve in ways known only to each individual, there

Peering Into The Future

Sadly walking down back roads, peering into forests, trying
to see between trees so closely situated together.

Taking many thoughts, attempting to picture a better time,

Receiving Thoughts

Somnolent and moving slowly throughout tunnels of tomorrow,
casting out pointed looks, hoping to attract and catch hold
of extraordinary perceptions being held by abstract concepts.

Imagination's Corridors

Selecting and arranging bottomless pits of ideas into
a plethora of subjects to be decoded and written about.

Surviving endeavors of life through misfortune, leaves

Enlightening Pathways

Frolicking in forests of imagination, holding true to
many commitments of life.

Remembering to combine and blend beauty existing in

Poor Education

Education today is very poor, our children are on lower
levels of learning.

Classrooms are geared nowadays to the smallest percentage

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