RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Placing Chords

Cantering with inner rhythm, reliving images of the past through musical reverberations, anticipating visions of careful beauty, interiorly signaling all principles of definite meaning.
Placing chords into and upon sheets of music held closely in mind, treasured for all time.

Quiet Anger

Seething inside, filled with a quiet anger of betrayal.
Wandering around, not being able to control it's escape as it neutrally sits inside, waiting to pounce like a tiger wanting a meal.
Moving along pathways, tracing indefinite patterns, leading nowhere.
Sauntering down emotional lanes of sadness as if in a trance - a dream like quality with no relevance to observe.

A Mire Of Sadness

Strongly touching heartstrings with deepest misery, pushing me into a mire of sadness, taking away the will to live.
Smothering every hope I've ever had, leaving me hanging on a ledge of no return.
Tears streaming through my heart, taking away memories, flooding me with grief for my parents who have left me.
Wallowing in a somber silence with no reprieve from a lifetime of penetrating love and acceptance.

Easygoing Nature

Life is at a standstill, listening to what is all around in the atmosphere.
Taking it in, absorbing every feeling that comes, taking everything in stride.
Leaving nothing out, enjoying every second of nature and it's playfulness.

A Parallel World

Crisscrossing thoughts touching my mind in a parallel world of imaginational ideas.
Softly encouraging me to travel further into recesses of generated images from beyond and before.
Catching everything in a dream - catcher, pictures of what the future will bring.

Senseless Feelings

Following my mind down pathways of rhythm,
trying to get away from the senseless
feelings of abandonment by a dear friend.

City Illusion

City of Phoenix is a lie - an illusion - run by
incompetents and derisive fools.
Leaving nothing to the imagination as workers
lie, cheat and steal from the public.

Dew Drops

Gardens of heaven are being seen when I close my eyes,
morning dew drops sitting,

A Passage Of Time

Looking morosely out the window of my eyes, seeing into my soul,
and spotting life's sadness always finding it's way in my being,
no matter what state of mind I'm in.
Leaving no hesitation stuttering in rhythms of my soul as I

Glistening Tears

Tears glistened many-colored memories, waving gently
in the heated breeze.
Reflecting feelings unknowingly, tugging teardrops from
my heart, bringing them to my moist blue eyes.

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