RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Wanting Freedom

Reaching for the stars, getting star dust in my eyes.
Now just seeing the bright parts of life's essence.
A joyous priority of tonight's love, giving up heart
and soul, letting love consume and capture me for

Reluctant Formulas

Energetically forming melodies out of instruments
being played in friendly tones of syncopation.
Following avenues of measured periods, filled with
notes and rests, playfully sounding the echoes of

Innocent Pastimes

Slow and steady, reaching into depths of innocent
pastimes, catching emotions in pictures of yesterday.
Tell-tale signs of beautiful lasting love and it's
focus on tomorrow.

Almost To The End

Almost to the end of the dance this afternoon,
having enjoyed every minute of music being
played by Neil and Larry.
Pleasurable and fun, full of energy, lifting

Memory Pockets

Watching scenery through blinders of my mind, as it
scurries down paths of reminiscent parades.
Curtains pulled back, allowing picture windows to
project nature into pockets of new memories, saved

Cowboy Ballads

Jumping, leaping, undying love of cowboy ballads is
running rampant among us, enlivening our spirits and
Reaching through all notes, placing our hearts along-

Journeying Alone

Journeying alone, taking steps off-road, hoping to
find new locations of words and meanings in the next

Nature's Ambiguity

Listening to water babbling and traveling along lengths
of cement trawls, flowing into a circular fountain.

Noticing stones and coins sitting translucently upon

Branches Of Reality

Tired of sitting in bowls of life with everything
weighing upon little shoulders, pressing selves
into small round bottoms.

Desert Darkness

Soliciting silence from within, hearing it's calming
voice bring peace to my soul.
Wandering darkness through a desert of life, following
instinct, inherent to an interior quiet.

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