RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Imagination's Corridors

Selecting and arranging bottomless pits of ideas into
a plethora of subjects to be decoded and written about.

Surviving endeavors of life through misfortune, leaves

Receiving Thoughts

Somnolent and moving slowly throughout tunnels of tomorrow,
casting out pointed looks, hoping to attract and catch hold
of extraordinary perceptions being held by abstract concepts.

Enlightening Pathways

Frolicking in forests of imagination, holding true to
many commitments of life.

Remembering to combine and blend beauty existing in

An Abyss

Slowly emerging as if from a dream of long ago,
wakefully transmitting it today.

Pictures forming, waving, haunting memories,

Dull Educators

How can a teacher who is stale themselves turn any child
onto learning?

A classroom, dull and all dried out with no excitement -

Messy Office

Rugs wrinkled, lying on the floor, bamboo, painted pictures
hanging upon the wall.

Papers piled all over a wooden desk, a bookcase, stuffed

Dimensions And Atmspheres

Riding into the sunset, life hurrying alongside, trying
to keep up with imagination as I travel swiftly into
dimensions and atmospheres of difference.

Dreaming Ideas

Seeing pathways, heading into unknown avenues of intellect,
going forward anyway.

Loving to discover many unknowns in this interior life and

Doing Our Best

Silence in the darkness of evening, letting me go into it's
twilight without fear.

Spaces of time, collecting in precious memories of family

Letting Off Steam

Tackling everyday problems, writing poetry, keeping senses
about me and falling into rhythms, leveling out all of my

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