RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Nature's Innocence

Yellow blossoms popping out before my eyes,
brightly shining in my mind.

Falling Into Knowledge

Reaching towards exhibits of interior dimensions,
hoping to blend them with what is already within.
Touching my soul with absolute silence and becoming
narrowed constantly as it fits quietly in spaces of

Promise Of Rain

Clouds crowding out blue sky,
heading to a destination no one
on earth can tell.

Closing Down

Silence filling me as I watch interiorly on a screen.
Tears falling gently into a pool of atypical moderation,
sinking hurriedly into deep sections of personality,
closing off everyone else.

Other Worldly Thoughts

Gently touching strings of my interior mind, blended with
subconscious dreams, bringing to fruition, an atmosphere
I can handle, becoming my purpose in spite of other people.
Listening carefully to other-worldly thoughts, seeking me

Life-Giving Rhythms

Soothing thoughts play around inside my mind,
touching and reaching heart and soul with
gentle life-giving rhythms.

Ripples Of Horror

Staring into murky waters, dull with age.
Barely moving, ripples lazily floating
Thoughts alight upon a fallen leaf,

Premature Dignity

Woodenly bursting at the sight of beauty,
watching it closely, knowing soon it will die.

Nature's Birth

Reflection of a tree in a doctor's office visit,
placatingly signifying nature's choice of a
natural subject for a poem.

March Of Death

Rejoicing over my death will be plentiful and of good quality.
Songs will be sung and bands will play the march of death for
me as I pass away.

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