RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Trying To Remember

Remembering faces, attempting to put names to them,
wondering where we met - the circumstances.

Skyless Atmospheres

Revving inner motors, charging batteries of imagination,
taking off into the skyless atmosphere, hoping to find
some peaceful attitudes scattered throughout an inner
world, awaiting selection.

Spirits Beside Me

Just Being Who I Am

Somewhere along the way finding self, after drifting
along on waves of life, not caring where ending up.

Lights Of Eternity

Being shattered within, sailing away into sunsets of
tomorrow with no hopes or promises following.

Forging pathways for self, leading with lights of

Taking Moments

Sentences abounding in seconds of time, giving thoughts
an exit into the world of poetry.

Taking amounts of life and miniaturizing them to fit in

Interior Intuition

Holding so tightly to precious memories of beautiful
moments had in life, that are now gone forever in
hands of time, their images being posed forever on
photographic screens within.

Life's Horizon

Alone with a pine-scented interior knowledge of death
and sorrow to be coming in the not to distant future,
pulling away and writing.

Imprinting Textures

Stretching leisurely, feeling good, calm and excited
at all the thoughts accumulating in rhythms of music.

Leveling out interior moods, keeping track of how

Free To Be Itself

Wanting to always keep total control of innate gifts
so they can be used whenever wanted to.

No one having any effect, good or bad on intellect,

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