RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Inner Mysteries

Strings holding thoughts, tying them down to earth to keep them from floating away into depths of the universe or outer space.
Catching every phrase as it falls into my mind, illuminating the clues needed to explain the mysteries of an inner environment.

Exploring Nature

Children gathered in an automatic circle, looking down,
examining a baby cricket.
Exclaiming how little and cute it is - taking care and
finding food for it to eat.

Patsy Cline

Sensing someone beyond sight as a song is being sung from when she was still living on earth, herself.
Quiet intensity holding my mind as I remember the exacting perfect pitch she used to sing in.
A woman remaining in memory for being crazy loving you.

Moving In Circles

Juggling time with momentary disillusionment as I uncertainly move in circles towards eternity.
Checking daily with schedules of interior peace as I travel along rose gardens of heaven.
Serenity encapsulating my being as I cross over into a future horizon beyond life.

Giving Hope

Watching visions of yesterday progress in succession,
taking me along winding roads, over rough trails and
into ocean's depths where intellect abides, giving me
hope to keep moving forward.

Finding No Answers

Traveling highways with empty hearts, carrying feelings in cartons of styrofoam, so as not to defile them.
Turning interiorly, looking closely at who I am, and where I'm going, finding no answers as yet, and hope continues to stay alive for the time being.

Narrow Minded People

Situated in a tangle of misjudgements by narrow-minded people who take everything for themselves and leave others in the abyss of destitution.
Why's and wherefores abound, yet no one checks and/or puts a stop to any of it.

Thinking Of My Friend

Thinking of my friend, W. knowing we were placed in each other's lives, not for a short time, but for our lifetimes together.
Meant to frustrate each other, purposely pushing one another to go beyond our sights, let go of our hidden fears and dislikes, so we may become whole within our souls for an eternity.

Storage Containers

Riding along, seeing so many curious and interesting landscapes and their landmarks.
Traveling down highways, absorbing every detail in mirrored reflections, holding them up to the sunshine.
Illuminating every measure against itself, and filing it all away in storage containers of my inner mind, to be used later on photographic screens, trying to come back where they once were.

Independent Nature

Wheeling in all directions, not able to go one way, because there's too many avenues to explore.
Wanting to concentrate, yet also needing to expand my mind through an enlightenment of bluened atmospheres.
Given extraordinary measures to follow my independent nature along edges of forests, up mountainous heights and trails along ocean shores.
Reaching for mysterious shells, wanting to know what they contain and how they can be written into a mountainous forest.

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