RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Reflections Of A Mirror In Flight

Technically speaking, life is very complicated in it's
simplicity, we are very complex creatures of habit, yet
we can suddenly be spontaneous.


Distinguished and always a gentleman, Amitava, talking,
making me laugh, giving all kinds of interesting facts
about the history of India and other parts of the world.

Interpreting Beauty Of Surroundings

Receiving messages, coded from rhythms that I am now
listening to constantly and incessantly.

Pleasure centers in my brain being touched tantalizingly

Mental Delivery

Empty Shell

I expect you to come, but you don't. I want you to be here, but you're not.
Life is an empty shell and I want to fill it back up, but I cannot.
You have always been the love in my heart and I want you to continue being just that, but you aren't.
I wait for you in all the usual places, watching for you, listening to hear your footsteps.

Falling Life

Life's members falling aside, as the rest of life goes on.

Yellowed with age, crippled by disease, alone and feeling
abandoned now that the children have grown and moved away.

Hard To Pretend

Pasting a picture of self over reality, hiding behind
it, wanting to pretend that I'm not really here right
now, hoping it will work, but not really counting on it.

Black Rose

Thunder claps loudly and even in the darkness a light of
hope sparks itself once in a while.

Treasures filled with memories keep us going through life

Depths Of Contemplation

Depths of coldness do not penetrate this being
when writing.

Being in the present, keeps me warm and full

A Poet Is Heard

Turnabout shyness being lifted and put away in a
closet of past attitudes.

Today, moving forward, enjoying reciting poetry

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