RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Wisdom's Ambition

Chopping in real time, invigorating my soul, feeling the melodies enter my imagination with verve and energy.
All the ambition of wisdom gathering itself in combinations I can easily write to.
Senses tingling, being disturbed in good ways as I am enlightened and led down pathways of entertainment.

Instruments Of Forgiveness

Creating pockets of interpretation in crevices of my mind, taking me along the universe's outstanding avenues of intellect.
All motions in rhythm are filling and emptying me with an exercise of energy for my spirit's soul.
Exciting sounds taking me for a ride as I elicit patterns and designs of creativity, to be seen from above and used as instruments of forgiveness through parallels of logical conclusions.

Focusing Energy

Clouds of dust swirl around me in desert storms of lightening knowledge.
Continually focusing on an energy I feel inside, beginning to face myself as a person of some worth.

Creating Images

Finally, some good clear music to sink my mind into.
It's very enjoyable and soothing - the electric slide!
Intellect is being challenged and opened wide as all sorts of images are being created in my head.
Figurative pictures hammering away musically and quickly, flowing out of the ink as fast as I think.

Effervescent Mind

Singular thoughts falling in line, catching my breath with rhythms slanting across the territory of my mind.
Secretly saying the words I need to hear, coming from the music as it leads me down pathways towards an eternity, giving off aromas of future destinies.
Collating sounds and matching them with heavenly scents of adjectives, forming interior motion and leading me towards an effervescent state of mind.


Circular angles hanging overhead, beaming light upon our environment.
A surprise benefit is that rays came down and illuminated my mind and it's darkest corners, giving me leeway to understand and write whatever is standing in my life to be shared with others.


Circular rectangles touching my mind mysteriously and timidly with a shyness borne from birth.
Illuminated in a powder of lightness, feeling almost invisible in the center of a crowded room filled with volunteers.
Characters are forthcoming, experiencing the friendliness of one another as we sit around tables juxtapositionally, laughing and enjoying each other's company.

Recreating Designs

Recreating designs, forming new techniques in order to create one of a kind tendencies.
Changing behaviors of all acknowledged aspects of formal training, as it pertains to stifled independence.

Sensible Feelings

Classical music nowhere in sound, yet, a polka is swaying and swinging into my mind with elastic feelings of sensibility and vigor.
Sensations of feet tapping, fingers flying, as writing begins to portray all the melody's around me.

Incorrect Care

Unsuspecting people, not knowing what's going on behind closed doors of rehab and nursing homes until they suddenly find themselves in them.
Being at the mercy of their staff, you won't get the correct care, right medicine or dosages.
Special diets you're supposed to be on are ignored, because the kitchen staff knows nothing of the diets patient's doctors put them on.
Staff is not properly trained to take care of the variety of medical conditions people are admitted with, and many ignore sanitary procedures that need to be followed.

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