RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Translating Complicated Messages

Racing into nighttime waterfalls being reflected from within
fading memories held together, their beauty and wonder always
touching people throughout their lives.

Stanzas Of Understanding

Parades of humanity settling into harmonies and rounded up in
stanzas of our understanding, finding that knowledge is under-
lining and creating magnificent awe and wonder of time on earth.

Collapsible Sounds

Watching as pine trees reach upwards, wanting to climb craggy
mountains to their tops just to see the landscapes below them.

Curious as to what everything will look like from higher up,

Sharing Life With Pen And Paper

Cruising down the highway alone and free, enjoying feelings
of liberty, filling this being and intellect tied with them,
sharing life with pen and paper.

Searching For Footprints

Waves rising, falling, crashing and rolling across sandy shores
of eternity, searching for footprints that have long since dis-
appeared from sight.

Reaching Out With Truth

Always talking to our Vets on facebook, learning about what's
going on in the world, using the information to make decisions
about who to vote for.

Electrifying Music

Swinging to rhythms here at Outlaws on the rooftop, playing instruments, having a great time that can't be had anywhere
else today.

Carefree holds the exclusive Cold Front Band here, taking

Runways Of Intellect

Instruments falling into tempos of reprieve in life
accentuating the pertinence of just Being in this
lively musical time.

Surprise Look At The Past

Roughing it atop this roof, loving the scenery and landscapes
as we drink in measures of rhythms being played and sung to.

Giving us a surprise look at the past, cowboys and cowgirls

Money Can't Buy Adrenaline-Filled Rhythms

Melodies now hitting and touching this brain's pleasure
centers, not wanting this to be the last song, wanting
to not lose this musical rhythm at all.

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