RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Becoming Reality

Sightless eyes, yet rhythm gives an insight into
movements of melody.
An opus insinuating itself into every atom of
being, opening up flood gates of sensory perception

Parents At Sinatra's Concert

Listening to Frank Sinatra singing 'Strangers in the Night',
brings memories full swing of my Dad.
Remembering Dad telling me when Mom and him went to see
Sinatra in person at a concert.

Creative Mystery

Wondering at the mystery of music's pull on my soul
and imagination as I write continuously, playing
in my mind as I do so.
Creatively stirring, mixing, enjoying prose as it

Gathering Tears Of Love

Gentle thoughtful breezes blowing stress from my mind
and heart, making it all magically disappear without
any worries.

Pocket's Edges

Little children taking time as it comes, enjoying every moment
given to them.
Expectantly wondering with curiosity always sitting on edges
of life.

Lone Drummer

Pounding ivories gently with an innate rhythm,
beating to it's own drummer as it marches on
newly-made pathways.
Keeping to itself, privatizing thoughts on

Little John

Intense feelings of becoming grief, knowing now that little
John has inoperable cancer of the brain and can die at any

Finding Identities

Flowering within, so many feelings,
I can't keep track of them as they
mix and blend themselves into my

Ships Of Rhythm

Softly camouflaging life under scores of poems,
taking it all to new depths on ships of silent

Solar Events

Becoming full swing, parading alongside the pool to
next destinations to embrace events planned by Cigna.

Traipsing soundly into circumferences of play, taking

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