RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Shadow Of A Person

A lonely shadow of a person wandering this earth without a soul
to care, no love, nothing in life, just being a hobo without a

Endless Appetite

Expressions of peace fill me interiorly, serenity flows
over and through me like waves of the ocean, satisfying
an endless appetite through contemplation.

Melodies Of The Future

An interior piano rumbling through intellect, configuring the
wonder and curiosity of life into many mathematical equations
that add up to the sanctity and sacredness of life itself.

Dreams Coming To Pass

Rallying behind the wonder of living, feeling it's exacting
measures required of each and every one of us here on this
earth today.

Poetical Symphony

Writing a symphony of poetry while listening to Yanni, finding
a space within intellect that helps sooth and bring serenity
to this soul completely.

Vibrant Passion Of Existence

Gliding up and down chords, playing piano blissfully while
writing, all being done through intellect, a thoroughly
peaceful endeavor.

Living In An Unknown World

Living in an unknown world, curious from the very moment of
birth, looking at and touching everything, using every sense
within our beings to the fullest.

Recognizing Inner Qualities

Recognizing inner qualities of self and others, complimenting
and respecting, silently being considerate to all we meet,
sidling up to the wonder and awe of the Divine.

Selfish People For Themselves

Tides rising and falling, waves crashing on shores of our
beings, all part of God's creation, humanity having been
created on earth in order for each of us to enjoy.

Truth Of Humanity

Loving peaceful feelings, filling intellect with spirituality,
touching this soul so intrinsically and delicately with emotions
of life.

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