RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Illuminating Fluid Thoughts

Bright starlight shining down upon me, twinkling
it's essence throughout my mind, illuminating the
fluid thoughts of intellect.

Nightly Lullabye

Silently listening to sounds of midnight, every
once in a while hearing a bird tweeting a nightly

Watching Visions Of Restoration

Stepping into the future, watching visions of beauty
right here in the U.S.A. come to frutition.

Donald Trump our new President, undoing everything

Perfect Landscape

Solitary, totally alone, loving peace and quiet
of an inner atmosphere.

Feeling calm, soothed by inner peace that no one

Only God Knows

Life slams shut when we fall into death's embrace,
nothing to stop it from happening.

A fact of life that cannot be altered or changed,

Perfect Illumination

Hurriedly running into the sunset, trying to beat
it to the horizon where I like to sit and contem-
plate the other side of life.

Ready To Disturb Earth

Leaves stirring winds of a brewing storm coming over
the horizon, spreading quickly into the atmosphere.

Dark gray clouds now facing each other, daring the

Rushing Through Every Purpose

Hurrying throughout this life, taking part in every
aspect that I possible can.

Losing control with the fire in my soul, wanting to

Fabric Of Our Beings

Never able to let you go, because our hearts are woven
together through the fabric of our beings.

Wherever you roam, I must follow, living with you in my

Magical Love

Entering a place filled with mystery and magical love,
stepping into your arms my darling, makes this world
a perfect place for us.

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