RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Intellectual Gifts

Walking into graphic and realistic aspects of this
time, betraying the next periods of existence.

Allowing them a place inside of intellect. causing

Unfolding The Passage Of Time

Watching and romping in time to rhythms of a line dance,
musical lyrics discussing the situation of an achy breaky
heart here in a poem.

Encouraging Pacification

Lively, yet slowly, flowing across my mind, a waltz being
played and kept close to my heart, playing and gliding in
the minor chords of an after dinner meal.

Rain Coloring Earth

Rainy gray skies, floating above, coloring earth with a
dull façade of grace.

Unseparating, eluding the world within writing, accessing

Christmas Cheer

Christmas cheer filling the atmosphere, giving of it's
essence to all who enter here to dance.

An exceptional feeling of joy as music plays happily

Music Grasping Hearts

Fancy and lively, a romantic feeling of beauty that takes
us by the hand, traipsing all around the room.

Energy unbound, settling within everyone, tapping into the

Gathering Sentiments

Soft and timid, a song of remembrance, telling a story
every time it is heard.

Beautiful effigy, translating love into a saddened

Living In Romance

Jumping, cavorting, swinging, taking part in a polka with
an energy that circles the room with a sublime beauty.

Always rhyming and living in the center of romance, singing

Space Of Interior Sadness

Feelings of loneliness touching my heart within sentiments
of a song's rhythm.

Calling forth the tears being held within and filling this

Blessing All Musically

Yesterday was filled with many entertainers who played and
enjoyed being bands for all time.

Drummers, guitar players, keyboard too, all of them taking

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