RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Closeting Senses And Emotions

Culminating in a revelry of intense feelings, settling for corners to cry in, away from all adversity and people.
Turning inside, shying away from everyone.
Covering my mind, standing back, not looking closely at anything.
Preferring to hide away, closet all senses and emotions, secreting thoughts deeply into caverns of my soul.

Crying Within

Feelings touching heartstrings,
causing me to cry within,
because I'm so hated by someone
who used to care, and now treats

Aura Of Artistic Endeavors

Silently listening to rhythms sliding around imagination, looking for a perfect fit - one that sounds good and makes sense to a logical side of thinking.
Insisting on common ground, following avenues of circumstance around corners of my mind.

Interiorly Socializing

Rhythm rocks me inside out, taking me into outer labyrinths of space.
Figuring depths to the nth degree, filling me with an optimism of untold wealth.
Savoring every nuance and sense of joyous peace, filling me with an intense feeling of serenity.
Showing all aspects of interior thought, touching intellect without thinking of anything untoward.

Intellectual Prowess

Depicting eternal gardens, set in mosaics of mind tiles - exceptional value for intellectual prowess.
Processing entire pictures of yesterday's images, placing them into exacting measurements to be traced again in certain orders of routine.

Snowflake Patterns

Glimmering into the snow of past winters, taking patterns of snowflakes into places of remembrance, pleasing to my soul.
Flowing along with beats of rhythm, taking steps into depths of new melodies, keeping pace with memory's placid meanings.
Intrepid senses, filling me with pleasant tones and sounds filtering through my mind.

Life Collapses

Stepping down pathways towards eternity, filling senses with aromatic scents of heaven.
Sitting on edges of plaintive cries, beckoning all to join in and have faith and hope in an eternity of togetherness.
Finalizing all plans, life expands and collapses right before us, as we find ourselves matching thoughts with words in pictures of beauty.

Anchoring Thoughts

Sending emotions flying into separate atmospheres, keeping them away from me for now.
Not wanting to place their meaning in sentences at this time.
Rather, anchoring all thoughts to moorings of yesterday's selective ideas, to be invented for future inspirations of desire.

Musical Pathways

Taking off, meeting nature head
on in melodies of musical pathways,
alluring and tempting my fancies on
wayward tunes of tomorrow's shores.

Touching Places Within

Tell-tale hints of love dance around the room in arms of remembrance, putting smiles on faces and warmth in hearts of aging years.
Swinging and swaying in rhythm with one another's hearts filled with past hopes and desires.
Softly touching places within, of heartfelt belief in tomorrow when it appears on new horizons, safely holding us for eternity.

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