RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Future Dominion

Withdrawing from my surroundings, not wanting to be
immersed in other people's ideas of conversation.
Totally going interiorly, visiting imagination's
wonderful tenacity and beauty.

Wrapping Poems

Wrapping poems for Christmas, decorating them here
with bows and lace ribbons.
Creating their words with loads of meanings for
everyone who reads them.

Thought - Inducing Interests

Reaching into the grab box of life, pulling out
meanings and definitions that take me steps
further into atmospheres of human behavior.
Listening carefully as each note plays into my

Many Single Avenues

Thinking in outer realms of intellect, seeing so many
things that are needed to make life easier for those
who are incapacitated in so many different ways.
Mentally, physically, emotionally.


Temptations abounding in life, to do things we know
we shouldn't be doing.
Many people give in to them - unthinkingly taking
drugs, drinking alcohol, stealing, killing - so

Immediate Conclusions

Curbing my interest in those around me, instead going
into depths of interior thoughts to write whatever I
may find there.
Leaving out nothing, seeing details first hand and

Loving My Brain

Adjusting attitudes, switching moods in constant
moments of living.
Exacting many thoughts of pleasure as I contemplate
life through serenity and peaceful images through

Excitement Of Moments

Enjoyment of daily activities of writing, keep me
vibrant and alive, giving an excitement for every
moment that I can continue it.
So comforting, energetic and peaceful, letting me

Soul's Nourishment

Patterns leaping up out of designs, beckoning me to
write of them in placid poems of thought.
Watching, as suddenly words start appearing on
photographic screens, keeping in time with rhythms

Measuring My Life

Watching time slowly tick around my watch,
writing down the beginning and end of each
poem I write.
Measuring my life in rhythms of music and

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