RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Eradicated In Selfishness

Pain and suffering cutting me to the quick, finding and
losing love because of the jealousy and selfishness of
others who claim to love us.

Thinking Through Music

Watching closely as I think through music, finding my way
clear to writing poetry straight from my heart and mind,
rhythms burning in intellect, giving intense passion fuel.

Saying What We Are Not

Our world has been turned inside out and we are unbalanced
by the dizzying heights being reached by bigots and racists
trying to say that is what all Americans are about.

Silent Nature

Silent nature falling quietly upon my shoulders,
hugging and keeping me close.

Watching gray and black clouds gathering for a

A Mind's Bidding

Designs being created in the very thought processes
that are contributing to the writing of this poem.

Able to be used not only in writing, but in painting

Nature Of A Mind

Flowers awakening in the nature of a mind, touching the
atmosphere with scents and aromas beginning anew.

Beautiful aspects, continuing to open like blossoms and

Giving Meaning To Loneliness

Precious moments taking me by the hand, graciously leading
forward into a journey of liberty.

Beautiful atmospheres floating through skies of lightened

Many Lonely People

Halls of lonely people, sitting in chairs of despair,
hoping to fulfill life-long dreams of success and

Moonlit Nights

Moonlit nights are for standing outside of windows looking
in, being a part of God's universe, connected to His being
through nature.

Succeeding Peace

Succeeding in this life has nothing to do with riches and
material things.

It has everything to do with loving and being loved in

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