RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Planting Myself

Planting myself in a patch of wonder, inviting all
senses to enter and help take in the environment,
noticing every little blossom, blooming nearby.
Clouds whitely floating, spreading their far-

Pen's Shadow

Shadow of my pen writing down whatever I think in
tandem with the real thing.
An interesting concept, a sideline maybe, to ghost
writing that I've done in the past.

Splurge Of Loneliness

Behind his drums, playing incessantly, singing,
keeping to his space in time.

Keeping Track

Rolling into the motions of yesterday,
keeping track of all their destinations.
Never letting them disappear into the
night, holding onto separate visions of

Invisible Beginnings

Mysterious appearances of rhythm, coming
from invisible beginnings.
Gathering closely with gowns of tomorrow's
evening get-togethers.

Calculating Essence

Stringing together, words to fit harmonies of the
Combining all notes and finding new ones to add
depth to the sounds.

Circumspect Desires

Relative circumstances being contained interiorly
with circumspect desires.
Alleviating the posture of failure as rhythm takes
away the feeling of loneliness.

Essence Of Everything

Waking the inevitable desire to continue listening
to music and writing late into the night.
Being and forming the essence of everything blended
together in my memory.

Rockin' At Stubbs

Reeling to the rock n' roll music of Doc and Gaul.
Yes, again at Buddy Stubbs, we are here and having
Strangers gathering, altogether enjoying ourselves

White Streaks

Looking to the sky, white streaks going in all
directions, as jets continue their journeys
into the bright blue beyond.

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