RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
End Of Fear

Strangely feeling the total emptiness of life, seeing it's
reality envelope the earth, fear sidles it's way in.

Fear of hopelessness, fearing a loss of faith, sensing fear

Knocking Unheeded

Left without any notice - any reason for it being so,
ignored from within, knocking goes unheeded.

Stranded in the nether world, wondering if someone is

Surgery Waiting Room

Waiting is intolerating when it's for a friend undergoing
surgery, minutes seem like days, even when they're hours.

Time does not go fast enough to bring us back together,

A Limerick

There once was a man named Marc
Who loved to hear dogs bark.
But when they got near him he
backed away in fear of them.

Friends Through Life

Studying the depths of human emotions brings no new clues
as to it's essence.

There are no beginnings - only middles. How did friendship

Public Education

Touching upon the edges of sublime ignorance, public school
is a stagnant pool of knowledge.

Teachers, principal, all involved in education in their

Lonely Abandonment

Staring down the long, lonely halls of life, wanting only
to reach the end.

Full of the company of others, seeking only the solitude

Barren Totality

Awaiting ageless horizons of barren totality,
pivoting on peaks of unexpectancy, lie vestiges
of human nature.

Solitary Windows Of Life

Solitary windows peering into life, letting loose, thoughts
of the universe.

Thoughtfully praying behind closed doors, leading solitary

Greener Grass

Silent waiting, through the many years of life, beginning
again at each new stage to attempt fulfilling our soul.

Religion starting and stopping throughout the years, being

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