RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Balloons Of Reflection

Shiny balloons of reflection left over from a birthday party now over.
Everyone has gone home.
Laughter of little children no longer echoing throughout the room tonight.
Happy sounds of birthday wishes being sung have all died down and now there's only an empty room no longer holding onto shiny

Past Of A Child's Future

Remembering the past of my future as a child, always thinking of other people, wondering curiously what they were doing when I could no longer see them.
Never finding an answer when so young, yet when I grew up I found out just by what I found myself doing on any given day.

Heart - Breaking Confinement

Heart-breaking, nothing can stop it from happening,
life has dealt a severe blow and there's no way to
recuperate from it's total devastation.

Inner Essence Of Passion

Sounds of rhythm being focused in this mind, lifting
spirits, soaring into many other atmospheres filled
with positive attitudes and pleasure.

Intuitive Senses

Recognizing pictures in pieces of puzzles scattered
across the planet, mind fitting them together with
it's intuitive senses.

Little Treasures Of Nature

Singularly finding a way to begin a new solo journey
down a brand new path, created just now.

Picking up little treasures of nature, sauntering

Going My Way Leisurely

Tender and easily harmed, a delicate balance of nature
that needs to be respected and cared for.

Responding to the beauty of nature's landscapes as I

Keeping Identity A Secret

Soothing music, pulling me along on a floating cloud
from within an inner universe, hiding, keeping my
identity a secret so not having to join in with other
people all around me.

Divine Atmosphere

Justifying this life through writing of poetry, living
it in a divine and complete way, unlike any other form
of living.

Imaginative Sphere

Running into meadows and fields of imagination, creating
flowers along the way, colors of the rainbow being spread
around on blossoms growing out of it.

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