RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Controlling Outlooks

Finding conclusions in the beginning, knowing elements beforehand.
Adjusting the core of being to meet the new directions
being determined by intellect's wisdom.
Controlling outcomes before they even begin, an extra-

Unnecessary Projections

Scratching and banging around, digging for artifacts
and relics from past saints, gone now from earth.
Wanting help and protection from unnecessary
projections of hell, not getting any as yet.

Writing Uninterruptedly

Listening to Foreigner, Queen, and Bruce Springsteen,
enjoying all the songs as I write uninterruptedly
while waiting for Dr. L. to come in.
Knowing he's running late, his first day back from

Essential Discomfort

Born anew through poetry as I write of an existence
that can only be known if I let it be.
Remembering the explicit details throughout a life-
time of essential discomfort, because of trials and

Trio Of Paintings

Flowers hanging on a wall, situated in a trio of small
paintings, beckoning to be written in a poem.
Tantalizing my mind with their imagined scents, leaves
reaching out to touch me, hoping to also be mentioned

Inspiring My Soul

Restlessly listening to music on my walkman, moving to
the rhythm without thinking, not caring if others think
it's funny or not, just liking it.
Satisfying my poetical spirit, enjoying the enormous

Echoing Lights

Lights echoing themselves in window reflections,
carrying on with illuminating rooms they are
situated in.
Never leaving their posts or neglecting their

Medical Progress

Photographs set in frames of days gone by,
all pictures of hospital patients, nurses,

Birthday Party At Encanto Park

Today is a day of birthday parties, that's why I'm
sitting here at Encanto Park, watching the kids go
on the rides, then eating pizzas before the party

Eventual Recovery

Beautiful thoughts floating out of a CD, given to me
when in the hospital by owners of a music company
wanting my poetry to put to music in Nashville.
A wonderful uplifting CD with rhythm taking me into

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