RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Placed In Signs Of Life

Neon thoughts being placed in signs of life throughout daily entrances on earth.
Delicate lace-like ideas being woven into beautiful patterns to be sent to inner screens of vision.
Leaving openness to sooth itself within parameters of explicit language.
Sirens blasting through intelligence, anchoring every word to sentences of informative intuition, belonging to a special league initiated beyond intellect.

Soothing Insiders

Soothing inside of my mind, curtailing trials of energy, robbing memories from storage bins below consciousness.
Often, listening to the tones incites words to form around meanings needing to be told.
Rewritten stories blended regularly to the old.

Rocked To Sleep

There's a melody singing it's life for you, settling notes into sleepy etudes so everyone can close their eyes and begin to dream in slumber tonight.
Even recumbent personalities, touching tips of musical impersonators as they gently rock one and all to sleep with never a frown to mar a face.

Touching Memories

Searching memories of bygone days, looking for times spent by the ocean.
Retreats in Saddlebrook, New Jersey, with the church were exceptionally spiritual and calm.
Times with family in Wildwood every summer and Miami one year when I was five.
Peaceful, serene, close to God, listening even then for Him to whisper through the ocean's rhythmic waves to me.

A Complacent Gentleman

A complacent gentleman, singing karoke in a pleasant voice.
Full of character, humor - a mischievous smile and twinkle in his eyes.
Taking over the crowd at the cafe, getting smiles and laughter all around.
An infectious personality, kind heart, and disposition.

Spiral Thoughts

Spirals of thought reaching upwards, wanting to be touched by images comfortably entrenched in my mind.
Sojournly waiting for an entity to come alive, hoping to become the extra-sensory thoughts needed to finish many rhymes of distinction.
Allowing a vast area of my brain to enter another dimension and begin describing it in details, unknown to anyone else.
Reaching further into inner space, feeling it's embrace as I tenderly pick words from a garden of beauty and stamina, creating many more poems to keep me going on pathways of invisible portrayals of novel ideas.

Singing Doc

Lighting Darkness

Withering demise penetrates my being on days of edgy behavior, calling forth images of horizons on the other side.
Lifeless forms come and go, some familiar, others tailgating in shapeless forms.
Taking turns with one another, skating across mind slopes of creativity.
Sliding along, becoming part of energy and it's brazen identity.

Sensing Death's Presence

Lonely, traipsing highways of my mind, straying further from life's shores.
Walking slowly, seeing things closely, not like before.
Noticing details of nature, sensing death's presence hiding yet, behind fragrant flowers and bushes.
Not yet ready to pounce and take me with him.

Venturing Curiosity

Crossing over borders with a curiosity held closely in mind.
Venturing into unknown territory, alighting in fantasies as they arrive momentarily.
Swerving and pivoting, dancing down paths of heredity, feeling calm within.
Knowing that my days will end, I continue to live as well as I can.

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