RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Artistic Moments

Seeping Joy

Feelings of joy seeping into every aspect of life,
giving each particle of being a new lease in a time
of living.
Settling down, every thought is captured and held

Beyond Horizons

Second Thoughts

Empty Hearts

Walking alone, a journey of one has begun,
leaving behind messages of love and sadness.
Watching tears fill empty hearts as they
traipse towards new avenues of enlightenment.

Hiding A Knowing

Life's Edges

Silent patterns flow about, taking turns tracing thoughts in imagination, figuring connotations of peaceful recognition.
Savoring every nuance, each particular rhythm, sinking happily into a jargon of musical aptitudes.
Sololy journeying along life's edges, capturing it's essence in small measures throughout lifetimes, being touched by memories images. Reflecting every emotion as it hesitates for just a moment to elicit responses in lightened darkness.

Forces Of Anxiety

Misty-eyed morning, watching the sun approach on an eastern horizon.
Filling a being with apprehensive emotions, wondering what a new day will bring and how it will effect destiny's future in time.
Exuding a lightening of anxiety, tripping over it's exertive forces, trying to avoid any and all adversity it dares to bring.
Burying an exchange of emotional trash, putting it beneath tons of dirt - it should never have been lifted off it.

Derogatory Concepts

Happiness is a derogatory concept while living, expanding it's definition by default, we unexpectedly fail to find it's truth.
We accessorize with material things, yet they never bring any more than a momentary feeling of elation and then we are again burrowed in a darkened depression of life.

Stars Of Fate

Reaching for stars of fate on edges of camaraderie, soaring upon cloudless skies bringing fantasy to view.
Styling literature in a fashionable way, producing verse for infinity as I travel forcefully across the moon.

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