RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Holding On

Lonely stances in life are a good place to keep your sanity while everyone around you is going insane and trying to take you with them.
Hold on to all you are, never letting anyone take even an iota from your intellectual being.


Looking out into nature, the only respite I get from my room.
Watching wind blow leaves and limbs.
Shaking their fragile beings, waking them from an evening's sleep to greet the new day with a breath of fresh air.

Words Of Expression

Calling the wild incessant feelings stirring within me, wanting so badly to be expressed openly.
Only I write them out in words of expression so people can read them and act them out in their own minds, releasing their own feelings and easing the tension that has been building within them also.

Nothing In Synch

Signaling the end of an era in this life, moving forward into a senior circle of aging.
Finding that yesterday's way of doing things doesn't quite fit any more.
Nothing seems to be in synch no matter what I do or think.
Always trying to exercise my mind and body - my mind responds, yet my body is slower than before and doesn't seem to want to move like it used to.

Brighter Future

Pressing ironly into my heart are saddened loneliness and abandonment.
Collating all that lies within and pasting them on pages of internal identity for the future lying before me.
Awaiting alterations that need to be made no matter what anyone else may think and not letting anyone stand in the way of a brighter future for everyone.

Trials Of Being Human

Wandering wonderfully down many hallways of life, enjoying the scenery and acts of God in nature.
Maturing in ageless beauty, bringing an essence of love into my interior soul as I prayerfully continue down hallways of life, finding my way through trials of being human.

Midnight Breezes

Differences scattering themselves within, not caring who is what or if something's there.
Tattered remnants hanging from banner poles, recognizing facts of life now torn asunder.
Waking to a special reverie, wandering pathways lighted with fiery depths deep within souls.

Intellectually Powered

Striking chords of resemblance, touching their essence with pure, avid, innocence.
Calculating moments in time when no one else can see into them, finding an expertise beforehand, never recognized for what it was worth in a lifetime of perfection.
Solutions abounding, with no end in sight, beautiful landscapes sliding across the future, c

No Prior Thoughts

Detecting movement stirring within my brain, looking forward to writing and hearing music being composed in seconds of time.
No prior thoughts to find or think about, they just flow downhill like a rushing waterfall into my being and are written out at the end of a pen.

Mind Corners

Standing on corners of my mind, watching images walk by,
caressing their meanings and knowledge with my mind.
Wondering where they might fit in and what they will
eventually say and become.

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