RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Christmas Sorrow

Christmas is almost here, a time of love, joy and cheer,
children waiting excitedly - expectantly for Santa to

Friends And Strangers

Celebrating the achievement of the American Dream at Buddy
Stubbs today.

Capturing the essence of what America is all about, riding

Best Thing Ever Was Going To India

Walking along, being slowly awakened in depths of my being,
looking around, knowing that I want so much more in this
life than what I've had.

Haystacks In India

Frolicking through the countryside of India, seeing
banana trees growing wildly everywhere, beautiful
leaves, big and green.

Silent Clouds, Waves Rolling

Watching waves roll over, up and then crashing on shore,
while above in the sky, clouds are doing the same thing,
only in a slow and silent way.

Being Pushed Towards Destiny In India

Getting in touch with inner feelings, finding an energy
that's growing exponentially with every mile traveled,
exciting and tantalizing an inner spirit.

Lives Of Many Other's Minds

Searching, dividing thoughts, separating them into many
poems of poetical interludes, switching and piecing each
into picture puzzles in lives of many other's minds.

Thinking Through Music

Watching closely as I think through music, finding my way
clear to writing poetry straight from my heart and mind,
rhythms burning in intellect, giving intense passion fuel.

Watching Ideas Pop

Silence taking me down avenues of placid thought, watching
as ideas pop into spaces being vacated by gifts of innate

Liberated Interiorly In India

Tapping, clacking like a train traveling down the tracks
of my mind, never slowing, taking pictures along the way,
saving them collectively in spheres of albums where they
will always be at my beck and call.

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