RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Exchanging Thoughts

Looking lonealy across the room, meeting your questioning eyes
with acceptance and knowing.

A bond forms, closes in on the two of us and we become friends

Perfect Time

Working at puzzles, fitting words and meaning together,
formulating ideas with each one completed.

Luring my brain's intellect into it's trap of enlighten-

Age Beyond Our Lives

Younger days catch up inside of songs played,
touching our hearts with mindful memories.

Reminding us we are alone in our thoughts,

Reliving Life

Reliving a life lost once upon a time.

Regrowing it's memories often in
solitary journeys of everlasting

Dangling From Trees

Dangling from trees in memory, enjoying the feelings it
brings to my inner soul.

Traipsing through flowered hallways scented with their

Liquid Stones

Awakening close to midnight, beating rhythms taking steps
down the long evening.

Understanding Persistence

Taking time from writing for just moments to talk to people
who insist on talking and interrupting me.

Puddles Of Bittersweet Sadness

Falling into lines of demarcation, wanting to be freed from
life's hold, yet desiring to be held in nature's realms.

Crushing Turmoil

Turmoil crushing my spirit from another direction,
taking me down roads that I'd rather not be taking.

When Will Life Open Up?

Realizing life is not so perfect is such a let-down
when younger.

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