RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sensing Life Through Melodies

Living through turmoil all through life, finding the
strength through faith in God.

Walking desert trails on hot arid days, finding ideas

Rose Petal Tears

Loneliness settling deeply inside my being, rousing
feelings of sorrow and sadness, touching this heart
and soul.

Giving Abandonment A Place To Reside

Walking from the front porch out into a vast desert
set before me, wanting to be drenched in it's silence
and loneliness because it matches how I feel interiorly.

Drenched In Silence And Loneliness

Challenging interior feelings, causing a deepened
intensity that elastically covers up my mind.

Using intellect to keep sanity intact while dealing

Broken Life Living

Quietly watching a friend across the miles, seeing
him live a life of loneliness and sorrow, always
striving to live his life alone.

Far Side Of Imagination

Settling into patterns of idleness, not wanting to
be bothered by anything, just wanting to be quiet.

Not watching nor noticing anything except the music

Life Can Become

Rattling inner cages of emotions, musical rhythms
taking precedence and evoking beautiful thoughts
of a life that can become in moments of time.

Feeding A Hungry Mind

Syncopating rhythms flowing gently and steadily into
intellect as I write.

Soothing, calming, energizing my mind with it's quiet

Every Thought Being Seen

Listening in an atmosphere of bluened light, being
soothed as I write from within it.

Knowing many things innately, learning more with

Impatient, Yet Waiting

Looking out a window at my doctor's office, being
downtown in Phoenix.

Skyscrapers, trees and cacti everywhere, morning

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