RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Disgusting And Barbaric

Seeing a picture of our President, head decapitated and held in a
comediennes hands, with blood all over, thinking it was funny, she
is mentally depraved.

Complete Sadness

Lying back, watching videos in this mind, remembering good times
had when younger, wishing to go back in time and live them over,
a complete sadness coming over this being.

Delicate Sounding Symphonies

Delicately sounding symphonies playing with designs and
patterns of music while writing, beautifully enticing
this mind to drift off into an imaginary playground.

Bubbling Over

Priming life after hours, listening to a final
song of the night at Buddy Stubbs.

Fantastic, bubbling over with total excitement,

Map Of Destiny's Pages

Life is filled with wonder and awe, giving us a map
to follow through destiny's pages.

Moving forward, taking steps into the future, heart

Looking For Sunlight

Riding the freeway of my mind, wind blowing my long hair
in all directions.

Surviving the strife, only to run headlong into turmoil,

Sphere Of Innate Wisdom

Striking this mind, a flash of lightening with rhythm
riding on it, giving a blast of freedom and independence.

A beautiful and stringent environment that entices and

Innocence Of Child - Like Purity

Slowly moving, ingenuity is continually creating from
it's interior wisdom, giving this mind food for thought
at every moment in time.

Final Pictures In Poems

Swarming around intellect, like bees to honey, ideas
buzzing incessantly and continually during awakening
hours of life events.

Moods Of A Positive Nature

Jumping to rhythms of jazz, livening the place throughout
and enticing moods of a positive nature, rocking to the
melodies as life goes into depths of spirituality.

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