RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Dream Of Contemplative Proportions

Regulating rhythms filling my heart with a euphoric
sensation, lifting me spiritually into another level
of life.

Poetic Justice Coming About

Simple and uncompleted, finding solutions to even out
distorted illusions and lies of democrats and liberals
trying to make a one world order.

Taking Down Curtains

Silently standing by, taking it all in, watching every
detail that's encompassing our world with it's lies and

Sun Rising Slowly

Walking into the morning, a chill in the air, left over
from last night's icy cold rain.

Landscape washed clean, looking pure, smelling fresh and

Enjoying Gifts

Spotting wonder in nature, seeing it's beauty spreading
throughout our entire world, nothing to stop or hinder
it from growing everywhere.

Silent Song Of Sadness

A silent song of sadness being played within my beating
heart, echoing into my soul with a whispering emptiness
reverberating back to my mind.

Yesterdays No More

Quietly and rapidly, rhythms falling onto the piano of
my mind, taking me soaring into the waterfall of poetry
that fills intellect constantly and instantaneously.

Inviting Opening

Stalwart, not wanting to move forward, wanting only to
watch what I'm seeing now with an interior sight.

Calmly and silently knowing there is something hiding

Whispering To My Heart

Echoes of your life continue to remind me of what we
used to have in life.

Silent, yet whispering to my heart in a language sent

We Cannot Find An Anchor

Events and experiences in life come and go, we live
through them at times or we die because they were
too much for us to handle.

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